Universal Pre-K

We collaborate with Island Trees and Syosset Central School District to oversee their Universal Pre-K (UPK) program.

• UPK is a New York State Early Childhood Initiative for four-year-old children to provide them with social and learning opportunities prior to their enrollment in kindergarten.

• Curriculum, which is compatible with the New York State Next Generation Pre-K Learning Standards, provides the children with age-appropriate educational and social experiences that promote their language, social, cognitive and motor development.

• Enrollment in the UPK classes is open to students from Island Trees and Syosset Central Schools as well as other Districts.

• Related therapies including speech, OT, PT and child psychological counseling are provided on site during the school day for students who have IEPs

• Variety’s UPK program includes SCIS inclusionary classes in which children with and without IEPs learn side by side.

• Teachers follow the Pyramid Model and Variety’s philosophy that parents and teachers are partners in their child’s education.

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