From the first day…I knew we were in good hands. Many parents may regard swinging on a swing, riding a bike, or saying “Good Morning” everyday occurrences. We considered them small miracles. Thanks to your vision, and may we say genius,....VCLC…has helped our family more than you will ever know.”
Parents of a Variety student
"Whatever my child learns at school becomes generalized at home. He tells me all about his day when he gets off the bus. His speech has become more intelligible, and he has increased his utterances. I would like to say THANK YOU! Thank you for taking such good care of my baby! You are preparing him for kindergarten in ways that I cannot!"
A Parent
"From the first day of school, the classroom team and team of therapists have worked so nicely with our child. We have witnessed growth in ways we never expected."
A Parent
"I have never set foot in the classroom, but I know from the bounce in my child's step as he pushes past me to hop on the bus, that it is a magical place."
A Parent