Variety Child Annual Snowflake Project

For more than ten years, the caring and dedicated staff of VCLC have participated in our Annual Snowflake Holiday Project.
Beginning in November, our school’s social workers connect with our families in the VCLC community to identify those who may need food, clothing, and gifts to make their holiday special.  Snowflakes are then created and hung throughout the school so that staff members may pick a family to adopt.  Information is included to help in the selection of the gift, such as the age and gender of the children.
As part of this amazing project, a longtime employee of VCLC connected us to Kids Helping Kids Foundation who for years has provided beautiful, quality, new winter coats as part of the donations!! 
During December, all the snowflake donations are collected, and the social work “elves” quietly and confidentially give them to our families.  They are often received with tears of joy.  We are so very proud of our VCLC staff who truly represent the spirit of holiday giving. 

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